21 Feb

Watched a superb match in Memphis between Maggie Rybarikova (above) and Kristen "Flipper" Flipkens. These two are the last of a dying breed of players who still play tennis "old stylee" for want of a better phrase. Don't think it's too far fetched to say that this might well have been the last time there is ever a match like it in the history of tennis, as they might never play each other again, and I don't think the youngsters are taught to play like this any more. So refreshing to watch after the endless pushing that's been dominating in Dubai.

Petra took a big walk in the market prematch, then went on to win, thank the lord. A SF lineup of Errani, Woz, A Rads and Vinci would've been one of the dullest ever. The burden of saving tennis from the tide of pushers rests squarely on Petra's shoulders. Pojd!
Didn't have any bets yesterday. None of the matches offered anything prematch and just could not back or lay anyone in play either. Managed a couple decent wins today and a few other smaller wins and losses.

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