24 Jan Strange business, Grand Slam tennis betting!

A week ago there were 32 matches scheduled, tonight there's 2! Tennis betting has a certain rhythm to it, with lots of matches early in the week tapering off rapidly towards the weekend. This is magnified for Grand Slams where the second week has very little action - 120 matches in the first week, only 7 in the second. The danger is that, having got used to quite a few matches and probably a lot of punts, one tries to force the issue in week 2.

Didn't bother with the NFL in the end. Wasn't sure about any of the teams pre-match so decided to watch each game for a bit. In both games the favs got off to good starts and the markets collapsed. Not keen to pile in at short odds, but didn't fancy a lay either as both games looked pretty one-sided, so decided to leave them and stick to the tennis.

Had a couple wins on the early matches but then fell asleep and missed the Peng vs Arads match - not sure what I'd've done there. Woke up in time for Clijsters but wasn't tempted at the odds either way.

Not sure the next time Benesova and Pennetta will feature on here so better grab the chance to post bikini pics of them!

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